Ionic Detox Foot Bath

An Ionic foot detox works by pulling the toxins out of your body through your feet.

What is an Ionic Detox Foot Bath?

The ionic foot bath creates an ionization osmosis environment running negative oxygen ions through your body pulling & attracting the positively charged impurities & heavy metals out through the feet into the saline charged solution in the bath. Impurities are pulled from the body, improving the body's natural resilience and you may notice feeling more energized & relaxed. There is a noticeable change in the water color during the session where you are actually seeing cellular waste & oxidation present in the water.

How does an Ionic Detox Foot Bath Work?

The ionic footbath stimulates the body's cells energy & creates an osmosis process moving cellular waste from the body.
ENERGIZE: the ionic footbath generates negative oxygen ions absorbed by the body's cells boosting the cell's energy & icreasing cellular waste removal, helping the body restore it's normal balance. A healthy human cell has a charge approximately 0.7 - 0.9 volts. A cell operates optimally within this range of voltage. Cells that are injured or stressed will measure as low as 0.1 0.2 volts, resulting in poor waste discharge and poor nutritional absorption. Build up of positive ions from poor diets, stress, and toxic environment will lower a cell's voltage.
The ionic footbath will generate ions that are 35 times more powerful than other detox footbath systems. The body absorbs the negative oxygen ions generated from the footbath negating the positive ions (free radicals). The cells are stimulated & energized by the highly charged ions releasing cellular waste & strengthening the cells. The body then begins to function its normal energy levels.
OSMOSIS: the ionic footbath uses a simlar process that is medically approved called Peritoneal Dialysis which uses osmosis to move cellular waste from the body. Osmosis is where fluids pass through a semi-permeable membrane where a solution is less dense & moves to a denser solution. With the human body, this body fluid transfer moves toxins from the body into the denser solution (the molecule size must be smaller than the pores of the membrane to pass through). Protein & other types of molecules that are too large to pass through the membranes pores will not be removed. During the 30 minute detox footbath treatment, the human body only releases what is small enough and ready to be released and then the rest goes out through the body's natural elimination system. Each footbath treatment can affect the body in different ways as it moves towards a healthy balance. Each person is unique and will react differently to others. Once the body's energy field is stimulated, the cells release their toxins into the lymphatic system & any cellular waste that is not pulled out during the 30 minute process, will continue to move out through the lymphatic system. Examples of potential reactions are stronger urine smell or color, and/or increasted bowel movement which can last from 3-5 days after having one treatment.
HIMALAYAN SALT: this is added to your footbath water to act as the electrolyte for the electrode and to create the denser saline solution needed for the osmosis process. The Himalayan Crystal Salt has a blanaced crystalline structure, which is easier for the body to metabolize & the 84 trace minerals provide the electrolytes needed for the current to move through the water.

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